Sunday, August 7, 2011

The 3d glasses experiment- part 2

Crap. It's been a week since I last logged in.Oh well , where were we. Oh yes, the making of 3d glasses. 
Using sharpie markers to color plastic is an epic fail I find. In the midst of creating my lenses for the 3d glasses , the sharpie marker decided to explode on me. I got ink all over my face , my hands , and my legs. as a result, I went into work with seriously pink fingers for the next week and a half that took a few clorox wipes to finally get rid of the ink. The end result was seriously streaky and crap. Sharpie Markers I brand thee EPIC FAIL for making 3d glasses. I finally wised up and decided to buy some transparency markers. Those worked better and had the advantage of being much easier to remove as I still gaze over at the pink fingerprints on my wall from the prior epic fail. The reason for this quest - what the hell store where i lived sells red and blue transparency paper- NONE!!! Haven't they ever heard of craft and art hobbyists before. NOPE!!!. A friend gave me their 3d glasses they weren't using (he saw the result of my epic fail and probably felt sorry for me.) My free ones are still arriving in the mail and I'm going to buy a pair as soon as I get the amazon gift certs from Swagbucks. What's Swagbucks you ask? I'll explain more as soon as I get some sleep since it's 5:30 am and I gotta get the hell to sleep. I gotta go back to the dungeon I mean work tomorrow ... I am replanning my escape as we speak (translation looking for a new job).

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