Sunday, August 7, 2011

The 3d glasses experiment- part 2

Crap. It's been a week since I last logged in.Oh well , where were we. Oh yes, the making of 3d glasses. 
Using sharpie markers to color plastic is an epic fail I find. In the midst of creating my lenses for the 3d glasses , the sharpie marker decided to explode on me. I got ink all over my face , my hands , and my legs. as a result, I went into work with seriously pink fingers for the next week and a half that took a few clorox wipes to finally get rid of the ink. The end result was seriously streaky and crap. Sharpie Markers I brand thee EPIC FAIL for making 3d glasses. I finally wised up and decided to buy some transparency markers. Those worked better and had the advantage of being much easier to remove as I still gaze over at the pink fingerprints on my wall from the prior epic fail. The reason for this quest - what the hell store where i lived sells red and blue transparency paper- NONE!!! Haven't they ever heard of craft and art hobbyists before. NOPE!!!. A friend gave me their 3d glasses they weren't using (he saw the result of my epic fail and probably felt sorry for me.) My free ones are still arriving in the mail and I'm going to buy a pair as soon as I get the amazon gift certs from Swagbucks. What's Swagbucks you ask? I'll explain more as soon as I get some sleep since it's 5:30 am and I gotta get the hell to sleep. I gotta go back to the dungeon I mean work tomorrow ... I am replanning my escape as we speak (translation looking for a new job).

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The 3d glasses experiment

I decided randomly at some point just recently "hmm I want to watch and make videos in 3d." There were a couple of things wrong with this random course of action. First thing was I wasn't going to run out and spend about two grand on a 3dtv. I already got two decent lcd tvs in the house , being a resident of Broke-Ass Ville is also a reenforcing reason as to why to axe the trip to the good old electronics store ( important stuff like rent , food , and bills come first ) , and where the hell would I put a 3rd tv?? There are only so many decorating options you get with a 1 bedroom apartment. After a bit of thought , I decided to use the good old fashioned 3d approach that worked for our parents back in the day. I'm talking about the good old-fashioned red and blue 3d glasses. There was just one fatal flaw in the plan though. I did have a pair of those glasses at some point, but I can't remember if I tossed them, if the dog ate them ,or if i ate them. Just kidding . Now since I sometimes have these random thoughts sometimes at about 3 in the morning when most normal humans are sound asleep in their beds (I work late into the night) and most stores are closed at that point and a 24-hour Walmart doesn't exist here, it leaves me with the only other alternative: make my own glasses.  I'll describe the results of that the next post.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Green Eggs Story

As promised in my last post I'll tell ya how I did recreate the green eggs from Dr Seuss's famous story "Green Eggs and Ham". This was many years ago when I was still in high school. In this one class we were cooking eggs, bacon and toast as a treat.As I was cooking the eggs, there was a good amount of spices that were green, like oregano, thyme,etc. I decided to get adventurous and add the spices to the eggs since I was making scrambled eggs (the attempted omelet turned into an epic fail so I said "meh. I'll turn them into scrambled eggs.") . The problem was I got carried away with the green spices so as the eggs were cooking, they turned green as a result of all of the spices . Everyone in the class were saying "look at this!". I was the only student who had completely green eggs with cheese . Everyone in class busted a gut , including the foods teacher who said "those eggs would be something that would be attractive to an alien!" . At least the eggs tasted good, despite them looking like a science lab project covered in cheese. I think I'm not done with the epic fails in recipes . I've since had a couple of other misadventures, but those stories are another day another time. I gotta get ready for work

yayy. I got my blog into some directories

That's cool . I now got this little blog into some directories, including Blog Directory List ( People will know in time that I am here and kicking around.
 At least its less humid today, so i can temporarily stave off the thoughts of the trees and the safari hat as per my prior post.
 A random thought I forgot to mention as well. When it comes to mixing different flavors of pop for those who are adventurous to do so, there is one combination that will result in an epic fail. In my recent adventures to a local fast-food store last week, I came up with the idea of mixing together strawberry fruitopia and coke zero, thinking i'd have a strawberry flavored cola. Quite the opposite, this is where the epic fail kicks in. Upon tasting the pop, it tasted like cough medicine, not this strawberry flavored coke I envisioned. YUK!! :(. It goes to show that some of my ideas turn out to be epic fail, especially in the kitchen, especially when I created green eggs.
I'll describe that in the next post.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Random thoughts

 Now I have a brand new blog, I realized i need some people to know I exist. Otherwise, I'd be doing the equivalent of talking to myself  (as long as I don't answer myself on my own blog, then I don't need a trip to the local looney bin) . 
Another random thought.. I appreciate my work has air-conditioning. At least it alleviates that Jungle feeling for about 8 hours. I'm still considering getting a safari hat and the trees for my apartment, but as far as the machete for that authentic feeling.. I decided against that knowing how accident-prone I am occasionally. That'd be fun , walk into work explaining "I lost my arm because my machete turned on me",. No thanks.
Oh crap , I better get to work

Well looks like the decorating of the blog is coming along

Cool it looks like my little ol blog is starting to at least have some interesting things about it. Now that there is games, radio, tv, some news,some virtual pets. A person is guaranteed at least to kill some time with my blog.From a pathetic looking old thing to something that actually looks plausible. Cool :)

With the humidity in my apartment....

 One thing that sucks about the summer weather is the HUMIDITY. Being in an upstairs apartment at times can really bite, especially with the fact that heat rises. So here I am sweating, all windows and fans on... no relief.
 One of the random things I am considering doing is to get myself a couple of trees , buy myself a safari hat, and maybe a machete ( I think getting a trained monkey would be a little too extreme). Then I would have my own apartment version of a jungle or maybe a backdrop for that tv show LOST!!!/ Perfect.